Are you tired of life's circumstances controlling you? Are you tired of things just happening? Are you tired of not completing your goals? if the answer is yes, read this teaching. 


Mediums are demonic! They disgrace God's plan. This teaching will help you understand why you should not pursue psychics, sorcerers or any other demonic entities to help you connect with the spirit realm. Reading this teaching will help you understand the difference between evilness and righteousness. 


Have you ever wondered why people leave God and go back to the world? Have you ever wondered why people choose to walk away from the protection of God's Word and gravitate to the world's uncertainty? Have you ever wondered why people choose to live in disobedience instead of living in the presence of God? This teaching will answer these questions. 


God does not accept what is dirty. If you are ignorant to what a dirty offering is read this teaching. Educating yourself to this Wisdom will prevent you from triggering God's anger and reaping His judgment. 


Becoming a master strategist will empower you to be victorious in everything you do. This teaching will show you how to win every debate, argument, battle, challenge and test. In this study you will learn the scriptural secret to becoming a master strategist. 


Being chosen by God is an honor. Yet, it comes with great pressure. Understanding the pressure by being chosen will help you carry the purpose God has placed on your shoulders. If you are chosen by God you need to read this teaching. 


The difference between pure and polluted Wisdom is decided by what is tolerated. Entertaining a little foolishness is deadly. Foolishness will distort perceptions, twist perspectives and blur visions. In this teaching you will learn how a little foolishness can spoil a multitude of wisdom. 


Learning how to talk and communicate is not the same thing. When you do not know how to talk you invite fruitless arguments. You will attract trouble and create difficult circumstances. The goal of this teaching is to teach you how to win praise by speaking the right words. 

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God has a general purpose that He wants every human to adhere to. Understanding this part of your purpose is essential for you to live in abundance. Read this teaching and receive your abundance. 


Change is inevitable. Everyone must experience these four types of changes.

1) The change that happens around us.

2) The change that happens to us.

3) The change that happens within us.

4) The change that happens for us.

In this teaching you will learn what to do when you experience these four types of changes. If you do not know what to do when these changes happen life will become very difficult and confusing for you. Do not wait for change to happen. Prepare for change to happen because it will happen! You need to read this teaching.


There is a difference between failed plans and interrupted plans. Evil people's plans will fail. However, righteous people's plans are scheduled to be interrupted by the enemy. In this teaching you will learn what to do when the enemy has interrupted your plans. The solution is very simple! If you want to stay on track completing your purpose and fulfilling your destiny you need to read this teaching. You will not regret it!


Prosperity is a process. If you want to prosper you must learn, follow and endure the process. The Bible gives us a clear and simple blueprint on how to prosper. In this teaching you will learn the secret to prospering in any area of your life. If you want to avoid failing read this teaching. If you want to achieve success read this teaching. If you want to enjoy the fruits of prosperity read this teaching. 


Preparing for the worst is not negative thinking. Preparing for the worst is WISE thinking. In this teaching I will explain why it is imperative for you to plan for the worse. You will also learn how to prepare for the worst. Change is inevitable. However, you can prepare to endure the inevitable. Read this teaching today so you can stay ahead tomorrow. 


Do you have questions about the $1,000 seed? If you do, please read this teaching. This teaching will answer your question. Reading this Bible study will enlighten you to why some people live an average life and why other people live an uncommon life. Reading this teaching will change the way you think about sowing the $1,000 seed. 


People are aware that the devil will attack them. However, they are not aware of his timing. When you can predict the timing of the devil's attack it will be easy for you to disarm him. If you want to learn how to disarm the enemy read this teaching. 


Kingdom citizens are not Christians. Christians do not live the same quality of life as Kingdom citizens. There is a huge difference between the two. Read this teaching to learn the difference. You will be amazed at what you read. 


In this teaching you will learn how the seventh year can alter the content of your entire life. This is a Kingdom law that impacts everyone, whether they realize it or not. The people who are aware of it avoid unnecessary hardships. The people who are not aware, create hardships. Read now to learn more. 


Opportunity makes a sound. Do you know what it sounds like? If you don't know the sound, read this teaching. If you cannot recognize the sound of an opportunity, prosperity will continuously pass you by. 


If you know how to believe all things will become possible. If you are facing limitations you do not know how to believe! Reading this teaching will show you how to believe and make all things become possible.


If you are ready to exit Egypt, read this teaching. If you are ready to exit the wilderness, read this teaching. If you are ready to inherit your promise land, read this teaching. Your promise land is your destiny. Read now to learn more. 


Free will is not the ability to do what you want. It is much deeper than that. Reading this lesson will enlighten you. After reading this teaching your perspective about life will change.  


Establishing credibility with God, people and institutions is highly important. It is the deciding factor between struggling or succeeding. Read now to learn more. 


Increasing financial options will expand your opportunities. If you want to learn how to do this read this teaching. This lesson will help you avoid living in lack.


If you are wondering if you should attempt to have a work/life balance read this teaching. The answer will shock you! The information in this lesson will explain the truth behind this issue from God's perspective. Read now to learn more.


You cannot afford to live a day without being encouraged. Receiving encouragement is like breathing oxygen. You will not function properly without it. Read this lesson to learn more.