If you are wounded in any area this lesson will show you how to be healed. The process to be healed is simple. Reading this teaching will help you live a life of happiness and avoid a life of pain. 


Most people know how to turn their hobby into a hustle. However, they do not know how to turn their hustle into a business. In this teaching you will learn how to transform a small hustle into a big business. 


Choosing who will be your friends will be one of the most important decisions you will make in life. If you want to know if you are connected to foolish friends read this teaching. If you want to know the consequences of having foolish friends read this teaching. If you want to avoid having foolish friends read this teaching. 


When you underestimate the power of a suggestion you will be easily deceived. In this teaching I will explain the difference between good and bad suggestions. You will learn how a simply suggestion can alter the content of your life. 


The power of one is a Kingdom law that governs the outcome of our lives. You need to understand how this Kingdom law has shaped the content of your life, whether good or bad. Enlighten yourself with this rich Wisdom. 


Have you ever thought about the correlation between doing the right thing and being righteous? Is there a correlation between the two? These are the types of questions that will be answered in this teaching. Reading this teaching will give you a new perspective about life. 


This teaching will show you how God defines success and how the world defines success. There is a huge difference. The Wisdom in this lesson will change your value system. 


Single mother's receive unique rewards from God because He has a special relationship with single mother's. If you want to know what these rewards are read this teaching. Every single mother needs to understand how their Heavenly Father rewards them when the child's father abandons them. 


You cannot make a difference until you have influence. The magnitude of your influence will determine what kind of difference you can make. If you want to make a difference in people's lives read this teaching. 


Faith that is not tested cannot be trusted. God will use many vehicles to test your faith. However, He will only use one method. I will reveal to you what that method is in this teaching. This is a must read for every believer. 


Being rejected is a good thing. Rejection proves that God is on your side. Read this teaching to find out how. Your perspective about rejection will change after reading this lesson. 


Reading this lesson will teach you how to defeat the mindset of procrastination. Everything you need to know about procrastination is revealed in this teaching. When you stop procrastinating you will start progressing. 


This teaching will show you how to be free from bondage. If you are tired of being enslaved read this teaching. If you want independence read this teaching. Freedom is not for everyone. However, I hope it's for you. 


Giving God an excuse when you do something wrong will trigger His anger. When you do what's wrong God does not want to hear your excuses. He wants to hear something else. Read this teaching to find out what it is. 


Position attracts success. Position attracts victory. When you are in the right place, good things will happen. If you want to stand in the center of success read this teaching. It will not disappoint you. 


If you want to identify God's will read this lesson. If you want to know if you are standing in God's will read this teaching. If you do not know what God's will for your life looks like read this teaching. 


The Bible tells us that God's Word should never be interpreted. Interpreting the Word of God will cause you to receive major consequences. This teaching will provide scriptural evidence explaining why you should never interpret God's Word. 


Knowing why you should pray is different than understanding the purpose of prayer. If you do not understand the purpose of prayer you will not know how to extract the power that prayer produces. If your prayers are not being answered read this teaching. 


If you are wondering why your prayers are not manifesting you need to read this teaching. If you are wondering why your prayer life is not getting results read this teaching. There's a a difference between the prayers that reach God's heart and touch God's heart. 


Most people sow seeds into un-fertile soil out of ignorance because they do not understand how to recognize bad soil. In this teaching you will learn the five types of soil you should never sow into. Everything you do is a seed. Everything you say is a seed. Make sure you plant your seeds wisely. 

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