Spiritual Growth


Your guardian angel is not in heaven. Your guardian angel is not your deceased love ones. Your guardian angel is walking amongst you on the earth. Read now to learn more.


You cannot afford to live a day without being encouraged. Receiving encouragement is like breathing oxygen. You will not function properly without it. Read this lesson to learn more.


Have you ever wondered why people leave God and go back to the world? Have you ever wondered why people choose to walk away from the protection of God's Word and gravitate to the world's uncertainty? Have you ever wondered why people choose to live in disobedience instead of living in the presence of God? This teaching will answer these questions.


God does not accept what is dirty. If you are ignorant to what a dirty offering is read this teaching. Educating yourself to this wisdom will prevent you from triggering God's anger and reaping His judgment.


Having a vision for your life is as important as breathing. If you need to learn the importance of having a vision read this teaching. One of the quickest ways to die in depression is to work and live void of vision.


The Holy Spirit is the most important person you need to know. It's not enough to know He exist. You must know His personality. This teaching will explain the personality of the Holy Spirit.


This lesson will teach you how to recognize when a religious spirit is trying to entrap you. A religious spirit is not necessarily related to the term religion. It is not reduced to being in church. The religious spirit is everywhere. Read this teaching to find out more.


The Holy Spirit must be received! He is the most misunderstood person. The Holy Spirit will not come upon you out of osmosis. He will not magically appear in your life. You must receive Him. This teaching will show you how to do this.


The only way to receive the promises and benefits of God is to pursue God's original plan. God's original plan has not been destroyed by sin, it has been hidden by sin. Read this teaching and enlighten yourself to the truth.


It's very easy to confuse being religious with being spiritual. God is not pleased with religious people. He is pleased with spiritual people. Do not assume you are spiritual. Be sure!


You can only reap a plentiful harvest when you sow on good ground. This teaching will enable you to recognize the people and institutions that will help you produce a plentiful harvest.


If you are wondering why your prayers are not manifesting you need to read this teaching. If you are wondering why your prayer life is not getting results read this teaching. There's a difference between the prayers that reach God's heart and touch God's heart.


Knowing why you should pray is different than understanding the purpose of prayer. If you do not understand the purpose of prayer you will not know how to extract the power that prayer produces. If your prayers are not being answered read this teaching.


The Bible tells us that God's Word should never be interpreted. Interpreting the Word of God will cause you to receive major consequences. This teaching will provide scriptural evidence explaining why you should never interpret God's Word.


If you want to identify God's will read this lesson. If you want to know if you are standing in God's will read this teaching. If you do not know what God's will for your life looks like read this teaching.


Giving God an excuse when you do something wrong will trigger His anger. When you do what's wrong God does not want to hear your excuses. He wants to hear something else. Read this teaching to find out what it is.


Faith that is not tested cannot be trusted. God will use many vehicles to test your faith. However, He will only use one method. I will reveal to you what that method is in this teaching. This is a must read for every believer.


When you underestimate the power of a suggestion you will be easily deceived. In this teaching I will explain the difference between good and bad suggestions. You will learn how a simple suggestion can alter the content of your life.


If you want to know how to defeat demonic powers in spiritual warfare read this teaching. Demons are afraid of Jesus. However, they are afraid of something else. Demons are more afraid of one thing than one person. Read now to learn more.


This teaching will explain the difference between making a mistake and committing a sin. If you do not understand the difference between the two you will never feel the conviction of changing your wrongful ways.


Knowing the difference between sin and sinning will free you from guilt, shame, ignorance and condemnation. When you do not know the difference between sin and sinning the enemy will use your ignorance as a weapon to attack you. Read this lesson and guard yourself.


Correction is a gift. However, if you don't realize it you will reject the blessing of God. Read this teaching to understand how correction is a gift and not a burden.


There is beauty in every dark moment. This lesson will teach you how to see beauty in your dark moment. Learn to extract the beauty hidden in your dark moment by reading this teaching.


This lesson will teach you how to take dominion over what is yours. When you read this teaching you will learn how to take back what the devil stole from you. If you want to walk in dominion and stop running like a slave read this teaching.


After you read this teaching you will be able to receive the best that God has to offer through the earth and Heavenly realm. If you want blessings to chase you read this teaching.


Everyone is talented. However, everyone is not gifted. This teaching will help you identify your talents and discover your gifts. If you want to maximize your potential read this teaching. Your potential is hidden within the parameters of your gifts and talents.


Before you bring someone into your circle you need to examine their character. Before you enter a relationship you need to examine the person's character. Before you be-friend someone you need to examine their character. This teaching will show you how to examine a person's character so you can avoid being hurt, abused and deceived.


Your seasons are not decided by God. They are decided by your decisions. This teaching will explain the importance of making decisions. Read now to learn how your life is shaped by what you decide.


Only the pure at heart shall see the Lord. We are not born holy. Becoming Holy is something you must learn to do. If you want to live a pure, spirit-filled and upright life read this teaching.


Renewing your mind is simple. However, it is not easy. This teaching will show you how to be delivered from a worldly mindset so you can walk in spiritual authority.


You do not have to carry the burden of feeling worried. This teaching will reveal the secrets of how to live a worry free life. Living a worry free life will allow you to live a peaceful life.


Laziness is the most common yet forgotten sin people fall prey to. This teaching will explain how laziness prevents you from receiving the glory of God. It will also explain how the sin of laziness will make you a slave to people and institutions.


If you are prepared to die you will not fear death. The only people who fear death are the one's who have not prepared for it. Don't let this be you. Read this lesson and equip yourself.


If you cannot hear the Holy Spirit it is because you cannot recognize His voice. This lesson will show you how to recognize the voice of the Holy Spirit. It is very simple. Read now to find out how.


When you feel helpless and weak you need to lean on God's divine strength. This teaching will show you how to overcome times of weakness. Everyone will endure weak moments. However, the people who know how to stay stong in these moments will overcome.


Serving false idols triggers God's anger. Reading this lesson will prevent you from receiving God's anger. When you understand how to avoid serving false idols you will learn how to serve King Jesus.


God is the easiest person to please. People are the hardest to please. The information in this E-book will show you how simple it is to please God. If you want to know how to make God happy this E-book will teach you how.


The devil's job is to steal, kill and destroy. This teaching will show you how he does it. This lesson will reveal the ways and methods in which the enemy steals. Reading this lesson will protect you from the enemies plans, schemes and tactics.


There are two types of promises in the Bible. Godly promises that do not come with an instruction and Godly promise that requires you to follow an instruction. When you learn to unlock the promises of God you will stop living beneath your birth right.


The content in this teaching are the secrets to removing frustration. This lesson will increase your peace, wisdom and understanding. When you know what you can't do you will be able to focus on what you can do.


Answers are attracted to questions. When you ask God the right questions He will lead you into the right direction. This teaching will itemize the most important questions to ask God.


God will bless your mess! God is not afraid of your mess. He is prepared to deal with your mess. If you are stuck in a messy situation you need to read this teaching. It will help you.


You cannot pray away what is inevitable. You cannot wish away what is inevitable. You cannot fast to change what is inevitable. This teaching will help you understand how to handle and plan for the things you cannot change and so much more.


If you are trying to identify your anointing you need to read this teaching. Once you identify your anointing you will be able to break the yokes of generational curses, addictions and strongholds off of people.


God is always speaking! The question is, can you recognize His voice? After reading this teaching you will clearly understand how to hear God everyday at every moment. 


Everyone has a God given assignment! Your assignment can be to a person, group or nation. In this teaching you will learn why your assignment is important, how it impacts your personal success, what should you be doing in your assignment and so much more. Read now to learn more. 


You were born for a reason. You are not an accident. God has planned for you to complete a mission, assignment and purpose on the earth. Read this teaching and find out how to identify the plans God has scheduled for you. 


Fasting is powerful. Fasting gives you power. In this teaching you will learn the type of power fasting produces. 


Have you ever wondered who God chooses to be great? Greatness is not reserved for special people. In the Kingdom anyone can be great. Want to know how, read this teaching. 


To max out the potential of your purpose you need to be in the right place. Placement is essential for purpose to be fulfilled. If you are struggling to fulfill your purpose you are most likely in the wrong location.


If you want to prevent your blessings turning into burdens you need to read this teaching. One of the worse feelings in the world is to have something that is suppose to benefit you, hurt you. 


The truth will set you free but it is not free. The truth is earned. Money can't buy truth. The truth is not for sale. God discloses His truth to people who earn it. Curious? Read now to learn more. 


It is important to understand the power of the human spirit. God gave you a human spirit so you can exist on the earth while also having the capability to overcome any trial and tribulation if you are determined. Learn how to tap into the power that God gave you. 


Sin is not something to overlook or take casually.  Engaging and participating in sin produces constant losses that makes life complicated and overwhelming. This teaching will give you the motivation to stay away from sin so you can start winning in life. 


Do not dream small. God did not give you a small dream. He gave you a big dream and big visions to complete His will for your life. Do not. be afraid to dream big. Be bold enough to accept it. 


We were created for dependency. However, if we depend on anything or anyone other than God you are putting them in danger to receive the judgement of God. Read now to learn more. 


God's timing is something you need to understand. God's timing is not based on age, need or even prayers. God's timing is based on one thing. This one thing is something you cannot control but influence. Read now to learn more.