Do you have questions about the $1,000 seed? If you do, please read this teaching. This teaching will answer your question. Reading this Bible study will enlighten you to why some people live an average life and why other people live an uncommon life. Reading this teaching will change the way you think about sowing the $1,000 seed.


Every woman has the same temptation because God wired them the same way. The temptation women face is a craving that needs to be fulfilled. Read this lesson to learn how to manage and conquer this craving.


If you are associated with doing any type of ministry or if you have a desire to do or start a ministry, read this teaching. This teaching will teach you how to build an effective ministry. I have discovered 50 secrets Jesus used to make His ministry effective. You can use these same methods in your ministry.


This teaching will contain insight into the greatest temptation men face daily. In this lesson you will learn practical wisdom keys that will help you live in victory during times of temptation.


If your church is empty read this lesson. If people won't come to your church read this lesson. If you want to know how to go from a barren church to a plentiful church read this teaching.


There is a huge difference between God and His glory. God is everywhere. However, His glory is not. If you stay in a place void of the glory of God what you are doing will not progress. Read now to learn more.


The doctrine of demons is very slick and cunning in the way it distorts your belief system. You need to know how to recognize this doctrine so you can avoid it. People who live by the doctrine of demons sacrifice eternal glory.


Everything starts with receiving. An empty head cannot speak knowledge. An empty wallet cannot lend a dollar. Reading this teaching will show you how to receive from God so you can give to people.


Most people sow seed into un-fertile soil out of ignorance because they do not understand how to recognize bad soil. In this teaching you will learn the 5 types of soil you should never sow into. Everything you do is a seed. Everything you say is a seed. Make sure you plant your seeds wisely.


Seeking to be powerful is natural. God created us to walk in dominion. However, with power comes responsibility. This teaching will explain the burdens and the blessings of being powerful. 


Satan does not have the power you think. He is a limited entity  who has been advertised as being more than who he is. This teaching will explain why Satan is overrated. The church has given him credit he does not deserve. Learn why. 


If you are in ministry it is imperative that you understand the difference between controlling and guiding people. Knowing the difference will help you discern the difference between the spirit of witchcraft and the spirit of righteousness. 


You do not need to be the pastor over a mega church to have an effective ministry. You do not need to belong to a church to have an effective ministry. All you need is one thing. That one thing is mentioned in this teaching. Read now to learn more.


If you believe preaching is your job read this teaching. If you believe preaching is something you do read this teaching. The content in this lesson will help you change the condition of your heart. 


If you are a servant of God, signs should follow. If you are looking for true servants of God look for the signs. This teaching will explain what those signs are. A servant is not defined by what they do. They are identified by what they are willing to accept. 


If you are a Minister, Pastor, Bishop, Apostle, Deacon, Evangelist, Teacher, Preacher or a passionate servant of Christ you need to read this teaching. Attaining public power is essential if you want to make a difference and impact the world. After reading this teaching your ministry will become exponentially effective, immediately. 


Your body is an essential part of your ministry to God. If you mistreat your body you will limit what God will do with you. Find out how in this teaching. Your body is as important as your mind when it comes to ministry. 


Young preachers, you are valuable to ministry. This teaching will share some vital wisdom keys that will help you along your journey to be effective in your ministry. 


The new way to serve God is not based on delivering a new message. It is not based on presenting new ideas. It is not based on the new generational trends. It is not based on pop culture. The new way to serve God is attributed to an ancient message that was lost since the beginning of time. Read now to learn more. 


Ministry is serious and it requires a major sacrifice. if you want to know if it's your time to walk into ministry read this teaching. The explanation is clear and concise. 


As ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ you do not need theatrics to express the Kingdom message. God is not pleased with theatrics. Yelling, screaming and hand gestures means nothing if you are void of substance. Read now to learn more. 


Anyone can win a soul to Christ. However, wisdom is necessary. If you do not have the wisdom to lead people to Christ you need to read this teaching. This teaching will help you lead more souls to King Jesus. 


Every minister, teacher and believer needs to read this teaching. Your legacy, reputation and statue depends on if you are living a life of pleasure or principle. Read now to learn more.


If God has appointed you to preach, this is a teaching you need to read. The place of every preacher is not in a church building. They belong somewhere else. Read now. 


You are the well to a person's self esteem. Instilling confidence into people is ministry. Confidence gives hope, inspires change and helps people achieve their God given purpose. Here are the best ways to achieve confidence.  


Seeing into a person's soul is not spooky. It is the best way to win souls to Christ. If you want to influence people to serve King Jesus this teaching is for you. Vision comes before victory. 


Have you ever asked yourself when is my time coming? When will I get a return on all the good things I've done? Well, this teaching will explain when this will happen. 


The five fold ministry was created to edify and to strengthen the body of Christ. These ministerial gifts comes with roles and responsibilities that need to understood in order to be effective in ministry and the Kingdom of God.